Tuesday, December 27, 2011

We enjoyed a snow-less Christmas at home...

Yes, it's true... the ground here in Idaho is completely barren of the cold, white, fluffy stuff we call snow... not the first Christmas I've spent in semi-warm weather, growing up in Southern Utah, but it was still a bit odd nonetheless. It's been a wonderful holiday though! Being home with the family has been just grand. :D I love being with my parents and siblings. They are so very entertaining... there's not a dull moment around this place, I swear! hehe.
The boys have been all sorts of spoiled with Dad bringing home dry ice every once in a while from work-- they've found all sorts of silly things to entertain them-- this would be the latest. They filled the bowl with water and plopped the dry ice in, then used dish soap and a thin rag to drag a bubble across the rim of the bowl-- thus resulting in a giant bubble filled with dry-ice-gas... hehe. So funny.
The brothers found a way to track Santa this Christmas online... it was so dang funny to watch them get the globe out and find just where Santa was... hehehe. I'm so glad to have siblings young enough to still really enjoy Christmas in the kid-ish way most of us forget. :)
So... for our traditional Christmas Eve competition (it's a different game every year... we compete for silly dollar-store-gifts.) we decided on a version of the popular food channel show 'Chopped'... as in, you're given several mystery ingredients to incorporate in a dish you concoct. We divided into 3 teams- sister/brother teams- for the entree round, then Mom and Dad battled it out in the dessert round.
Mom and Dad (our judges in the entree round) picked 6 ridiculous mystery ingredients to have us cook with... namely: alfalfa sprouts, dried pasilla peppers, plain yogurt, sunflower seeds, sliced ham, and candy canes... yeah, YOU try and make a delicious dish out of that!
My youngest sister and youngest brother blew us out of the water with their dish... it actually tasted good... still don't know how they managed that... ;) The dessert round was much much tastier-- partially because of the ingredients we kids chose to have them work with-- candy canes, marshmallow creme, frozen peaches, saltine crackers, and Yoohoo (a chocolate drink).

Christmas morning came quickly, it was probably the latest Christmas morning we've EVER had... it was nearly 7:00 by the time the boys had Mom and Dad up. However, it may have been a factor that we had decided not to open presents until after church. So, we enjoyed the morning with the toys Santa left and the stuffed stockings scattered about... then came a wonderful hour of church in which we got to sing 'Oh Holy Night' a Capella as a family-- we also heard from a couple incredible speakers... they brought the spirit of Christmas into the meeting so very well. And then it was back home to open presents... :D
The girls all received super warm, soft Snuggies from Grandma--- :D So fun.
Little brothers are still all AVID Aggie fans... this was probably one of his very favorite presents.
And this... this was my very favorite present to give this year-- sister and I picked it out and the siblings helped buy it for Mom. She's been wanting a nice picture of Christ for a long while. It was definitely a great one to watch her open. :D

There you are, folks... another Christmas with my family done and over... and I'm loving every minute of being home.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

My roommate and sister found a pretty neat quote...

"It's quite ironic that in life the person that brings out the best in you and makes you stronger is actually your weakness."

And for the first time, I nearly understand such sentiments. :)

Sunday, November 27, 2011

I sat in Sunday School with my Mom--

We read from 3 John that day in the first chapter, 4th verse--

"I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth."

My mother reached over to squeeze my knee and as I looked into her eyes, I saw the message conveyed therein-- she was pleased with what I'm doing with my life. With all the love that a Mom can muster, she looked into my eyes and told me through that penetrating gaze that I was doing well. That she was happy that I was happy.

I shared this experience the other day in Testimony Meeting and then made the comparison to the warmth, peace, and contentment that will come upon us from time to time when our Father in Heaven is pleased with us. I can see in my own life that as I do the things He's asked of me, my Heavenly Father smiles down upon me and lets me know through thoughts and feelings that He is pleased with my efforts. He has no greater joy than to hear that His children walk in truth.

There is no counterfeit to rival the feeling of complete peace in our hearts and minds. That simple, sure contentment always comes from the Spirit of the Lord. It is God's way of squeezing our knee and looking into our eyes and smiling a message of "Well done, thou good and faithful servant."

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

My father sent out an email to a bunch of his family members...

This email was asking for our opinions on the statement, "Perfection is a recipe for failure." There were a few responses before I piped in with my 2 cents... with a bit of help from my wonderful roommates...

If perfection is the only way you can succeed, then striving for perfection is, in fact a recipe for failure. God may deal in absolutes, but here in mortality 'perfect' is a non-reachable absolute. The striving for such a state of perfection will never become us. However, when God admonishes us to 'be ye therefore perfect' I believe that when we do everything we can do, we are, in the essence of the word, perfect. Take this quote from Remember the Titans into account--

Coach Boone: It's all right. We're in a fight. You boys are doing all that you can do. Anybody can see that. Win or lose... We gonna walk out of this stadium tonight with our heads held high. Do your best. That's all anybody can ask for.
Big Ju: No, it ain't Coach. With all due respect, uh, you demanded more of us. You demanded perfection. Now, I ain't saying that I'm perfect, 'cause I'm not. And I ain't gonna never be. None of us are. But we have won every single game we have played till now. So this team is perfect. We stepped out on that field that way tonight. And, uh, if it's all the same to you, Coach Boone, that's how we want to leave it.

This type of perfect is different than eternal perfection... we can be perfect in aspects of our lives, but never in its entirety. That sort of perfect can be reached only in and through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and the grace with which he lifts us to the perfect state of being in which He and the Father live.

Just a couple shots to bid the autumn time farewell... I'm afraid Logan winter is now upon us...

Monday, November 7, 2011

I walked home with an exam in my hand...

College has a way of changing your high school mentality of being a big fish in a little pond... the more I attend classes and take exams and try to measure up to expectations in college, the more I realize how very small I am compared to the ocean of fish I'm now a part of. When it comes to school, I feel as if I cannot even begin to compare to the educational whales with whom I associate. The balanced life I've chosen simply will not allow for rising to the top of such a lofty standard... or can it?

I know from many hours of personal experience that grades of that stamina come from incredible amounts of effort and hours of studies... using the variety of techniques that you've found works best for you. Pulling an A in a class is not an easy accomplishment. And yet, for some it seems to come fairly easily- even for those with a far busier course load than I am occupied with... and I marvel at how God's hand guides their lives. I have seen the result of a life lived in accordance to God's commandments and how, if it is needed and necessary for God's plan of happiness for that person to progress, His hand is seen lifting and guiding that person in educational aspects of their lives. Somehow, He always pulls them through on top.

This sort of blessing has been mine for more times than I can count. But lately, I'm noticing that the perfection I expect from myself has been lacking in my classes. Partially because of the other priorities in my life that I choose to make of more importance than classes at times. I do still study hard, I try my best to manage my time well, and I really am doing quite well in my classes. Just not as well as past years... and because of my stubborn yearning for perfection, I let that drive me absolutely bonkers somedays. I determine to study harder and more efficiently as I walk out of class with an exam holding a score not quite as high as I'd have liked it to be... and then life continues.

I find myself doing good things, growing in ways I need to be growing, fulfilling my calling, attending the temple, dating, gallivanting with my roommates, friends, and sister, studying for my institute classes... the list goes on... but somehow, someway, I manage to feel like I don't measure up to par in school... and it's such a big part of my life that this feeling of disappointment seeps its way into my overall attitude. And that's not okay with me.


Good thing I have a firm testimony in the eternal plan of happiness God has in store for me. I know that as long as I'm doing the things necessary for my hand to be firmly grasped to the iron rod, things will all fall into place as they should. And as I continue to walk step by step into the dark, I am reassured each and every time the light of understanding envelops me-- but only after I've taken that step into the unknown.

May we each have the faith to let God guide our footsteps and ultimately bring us home.

Monday, October 31, 2011

I had time to sit and think.

Do you ever feel like you're never really going to feel thoroughly settled... in general? Settling, I believe, is finding a comfortable niche you fit supremely nicely into and could simply be happy staying in this little crevice forever. But for some reason, I don't think that's what God has in store for us.

I feel like many-a-time we discover these alcoves that we fit so perfectly into and wish with all our hearts that we could just stay and dig our roots in deep and have the security of knowing the walls around you won't change. Ever. This feeling is most definitely an innately human desire. A desire for stability and a solid foundation and constants. A desire I don't believe God lets go unsatisfied.

We've been sent to this earth to undergo trials and tribulations that help us grow and ultimately reach our full potential. But, during this process, God does give us unvarying sources of truth and light to burrow our roots into and provide that stability we all crave. That's what's so great about our Heavenly Father-- He pushes us to our limits, forcing us time after time out of our comfort zones in order to let us see that we can accomplish great things with His help. But that means leaving our niches. Stepping out of our alcoves and into the uncertainty of the unknown... which is scary.

It's ironic, isn't it, that the times I feel the most contented are usually times when I've been placed in situations that bring about changes in my life... disturbances in the calm flow of my life's path... It's almost as if God is trying to help me understand that it's okay to do things I've never done and to reach into the darkness and trust that His hand will be there to grasp mine. And it's at those moments of greatest trust that our loving Father in Heaven allows us to feel the 'rest of the Lord.'

Just a few things on my mind tonight.

Friday, October 28, 2011

I realized I have bunches and bunches to write about!

It's been a while since I've let my fingers ramble. An activity I actually believe is SO SO good for sorting out your thoughts. Writing is a good thing, but usually as you write, you have enough time to think about what you're actually writing, and then form your words... but when I type, I sometimes just let words take form before I actually think about what I'm trying to say. Case in point-- this paragraph. ;)

Let's see. Life is so good!! I love being at college. I love the challenge of doing well in school... studying for hours and hours this week prepping for 3 exams wasn't the most fun thing I've done recently, but it was good for me. I feel like I have a separate world I go to when I'm studying for an exam... Like no one and nothing else really matters too much because this exam is getting closer... and closer... no time for frivolous activities... But after the exams are over, I feel like I've neglected a huge part of my life. People, maybe, in general! ;)

So today, now that I'm finished with exams, I feel like taking the time to update this little blog of mine, share some adventures, and let my thoughts spill onto the screen.

October has been busy. I've been gone every weekend... literally. And not just gone randomly... nope... on some sort of AMAZING adventure!! Gallivanting is a favorite pastime lately. I started my month off with a jaunt home. I hadn't been home in 4 months. Needless to say, it was a party. :D My family is so great. SO fabulously good... I had the opportunity to watch General Conference in the comfort of my own home with family all around. It'd been a while since I've really spent that type of quality time with my siblings and parents.

My little brothers are growing up rapidly... the youngest was baptized that weekend. It was neat to experience the special light and spirit that a recently baptized 8 year old has about them-- The sheer innocence and bursting excitement I see in my brother is incredible! He's been saved for this time for a reason. And I believe he'll be ready and waiting for anything God has in store for him.

Next weekend included a fabulous reunion with
my second family... my boss and his sweet wife and their kids... crazy how two summers can create such a link between my heart and this family. We partied it up at Lagoon with the rest of our coworkers and bosses... naturally it was a party... ;) Anytime you get that group together ends up that way. We rode rides to our hearts' content and enjoyed the time together immensely.

We even turned one of my boss's sons into a roller coaster rider! Yeah! :D

After our Lagoon day, the next weekend we just hadn't had enough of Central Utah... so we went back to visit Salt Lake and my dear cousin. We took my roomie with us to drop her off at her home... and then got to chill with her family for a bit-- they're real fun!! We had a grand 'ol time meeting her siblings and parents. The rest of our weekend consisted of time spent with our cousins from Southern Utah-- we hadn't seen them in quite a while, thus the time spent was priceless... so much catching up to do, so many stories and laughs to share. :D We hiked up to Donut Falls one morning and enjoyed the scenery as we ran and skipped and climbed and played. I love hiking with people that you can just have a ball with!! Such fun. We also enjoyed a taste of Brazil as our two cousins who'd served missions there took us to lunch at an authentic little shop-- mmm. Good stuff. We finished the day by attending a baby shower for my cousin's wife. It was a nice end to a lovely weekend.

Next weekend was a gallivant down to Moab... yes, Moab. :D We had two of our neighbors who are experts in all things rock climbing take us down on a Fall Break adventure. Those two guys, plus seven of us girls... I shake my head in a scoff-ful manner... (and I definitely just made that word up... well, my sister did anyways.) and I realize how ridiculous that ratio was-- and just how much the guys did not mind AT ALL... hmm, wonder why...? hehe. This weekend was probably the most eventful of all our weekends of October yet.

We did a bit of repelling the morning, as well as some hiking and seeing the sights of Arches National Park. Pretty fun. The next activity took us to "Wall Street" or so it's called, and involved a wall of rock to scamper up... well, scamper might not be the right word... but you get the picture. ;) My personal favorite part was learning to belay... I'd done it before, but never a ton... and I rather enjoyed it!
Yes, that is my sister and I. And yes, we are wearing the same shirt. Tsk tsk... ((I totally had mine on first!)) hehe

At sunset, we repelled off a 100 foot arch. Yes, Corona Arch, to be precise. And it was INCREDIBLE!!! The time of day was perfect, the adrenaline rush amazing, and the people we shared it with, unbeatable. :D

To cap the already fabulous day off, we finished with a visit to the Windows-- double arches out in the Park-- there's a little space right up in the middle of the arch that you can climb up in and sit and look out through the "windows" of the two arches. Pretty neat view... but at night, it's a million times better!! We laid underneath those two arches for two hours, in awe of the brilliant night sky framed by the Windows. A perfect ending to the day.

There are many many more stories I could cram into this post, but I figure it's long enough. I love life... the people I rub shoulders with, the adventures I embark upon, and the lessons learned along the way. I could tell you about the date I had a couple weekends ago- about the corn maze and tim-tam-slam... I could write about the dutch oven dinner my sister and I pulled off for a Ward Home Evening... I could ramble on about all the wonderful things I learn in institute every day... I could even tell you of the silly things that go on in my apartment on a daily basis... But for now, I'll be content to let you know that I could never be tired of the life I lead. It's a party, an adventure, and a pleasure to lead. :D

Thursday, September 22, 2011

I went to the IMA banquet... and came home thinking like mad...

Not necessarily about the date I'd just been on, although it was a good one. The young man who escorted me this evening was a good friend from the ward last year, and thus very easy to talk to and enjoy spending time with. Great date, just not the topic my mind is racing through at this moment. Well then, if it is not the date, you may ask, what is it that I could possibly be thinking so much about right now? I'll tell you.

Once upon a time some neighbors of mine (young men neighbors, by the way) shared with us a diagram of sorts. Not just any diagram-- this one outlines a theory behind dating. This theory is mounted upon our wall of quotes... that's how impressive it was to us. Ever since we were made aware of this guy-perspective of dating, we've been searching as roommates for a counter-diagram, thus highlighting the female-perspective. As time has passed, I've formulated a few key concepts of the diagram, in conspiracy with several other members of the female gender, of course. ;) And tonight, at the IMA banquet of all places, I think I've made a breakthrough.

The speaker who addressed us this evening was a wonderful man full of energy and genuine happiness. His words had me attentive the entire time he stood in front of us. He got to a point in his talk where he referred to the activity we all know and love from our childhood called Dot-to-Dots. You remember? Remember how excited you got as a child when you finished a dot-to-dot and finally saw what the picture was?? Best feeling ever, right?

Well, now that we've reminisced our childhood naivety and pure excitement for life, we can go on with the story. As this gentleman explained his analogy of life being like a giant dot-to-dot, things fell right into place for me... Unlike as we get older and can instantly see what the dot-to-dot has in store for us, life's dot-to-dot is completely a mystery to our eyes until it is complete. Connecting the dots then, becomes more of a challenge. Okay, back to being a kid again, remember when you were just learning to count and the numbers on the dot-to-dot seemingly eluded your view? Remember a parent or sibling or friend pointing out the next number, the next dot? Remember, at times, a helping hand grasping your tiny hand and the crayon propped within and guiding the tip of the accoutrement to the next dot? Remember?

Okay, the dots of our lives can be people, experiences, places, trials, etc... just things that lead us to becoming who we'll eventually be. All things leading to our finished picture. And guess what? Those helpers pointing out the next dot or even gently leading us to that dot can most certainly be people we date. Or people we room with, or parents, or friends, or siblings, or teachers... you get the picture. Best part of what our speaker tonight said? We can be dots in other peoples' dot-to-dots. We can be a part of the process that makes them who they become. Pretty cool, huh?

There are SO many venues of thought sprouting from this idea, but I'll just focus on one for now. Occasionally, we see ourselves becoming dots in someone's dot-to-dot... or one of those helping hands guiding such a person to the next dot. And sometimes we see ourselves as crucial parts of that person's life. When, in all actuality, we are simply edge-dots leading to the ultimate picture of that person's life. Thus, dating is confusing. You can't see the whole picture quite yet, so that dot in your life or the dot you are becoming in someone else's life could be rather insignificant in the entire scheme of things. Or... it may be rather crucial. But we don't know which... which is what makes it confusing.

Point being, and what I got out of it, I want to be a dot in many people's lives. I want to help them accomplish their goals and dreams and become their best self. Whether I become a significant dot or otherwise, at least I've helped them on their way. Also, a huge thanks to all those who have become dots in my life. You, yes you, are helping me on my path of completing my picture. Thank you thank you thank you! I love you all.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

I determined I have silly roommates...

Not just mildly silly roommates, majorly silly roommates! And yes, I do include myself (and my sister- pretty much an adopted roommate) in this "majorly silly" category. We do crazy things. Things like taking pictures at night on playgrounds, flinging ourselves back and forth inside a human rubber band, walking home in previously mentioned rubber band, squishing 6 people in a regulation-size canoe, swimming in real cold water at 2nd dam, sit in the tub together, have conversations about abstract concepts like emotions and the fall of Adam and the Big Bang theory and things that make our brains explode, create videos at midnight and feng shui in other apartments, throw epic birthday parties, take pictures like NONE OTHER, and create Life Mottos such as "Beat the Ratio."

Yes, we are silly, and proud of it. :) If you only could read half of the quotes on our quote wall and hear the stories behind them... But, as they always say, pictures are worth 1000 words... so here you are.
1st of all... for our dear friend in China-- we miss her face, but LOVE emailing and Skyping to keep in touch! :DPlayground FUN!!! :DHuman rubber band... yes, we walked all the way home in it. Roommate birthday parties... gotta love 'em. Yep, that's 6 of us. In a canoe. At 2nd dam. Jungle explorers... muahahaha!I love this angle... you can see just how close we came to swamping the little canoe of ours. hehe.CUDDLING!!! Love it. Camille died... but not really... but we were sad anyways. Tin foil party!!! We scrubbed and wrapped 180 potatoes in foil... gotta love linger longers.

Monday, August 29, 2011

I shouted, "Hello Logan!!!"

I've officially been in Logan for 3 whole days now... and I'm LOVING being back. :) Don't get me wrong, I immensely enjoyed my summer job in Jackson and I do miss the people I got to mingle with up there, but it's SO GOOD to be back.
And my roommates!! Ahh, my roommates... they are three of God's most choice daughters, and they demonstrate that every day by the way they speak, act, treat others, and choose to spend their time. I love these girls with all my heart. I look forward to a wonderful year getting to know them better via quote walls, late nights, silly moments, and giggling galore! We've already had some pretty epic adventures together- note that we have also adopted my little sister as part of our "roommate-ness" ;) She's pretty great though. We'll take her.
Adventures so far... ice skating with the institute, stalking the guy in the Nike shirt, posing on playground structures, feng shui art in Camille's room, licking pudding bowls clean, Wackee Six (of course!), and cuddling... according to the behavioral definition.
Oh, and our new motto for life is "Every moment is a photo-opp..." Thus, our legacy of silly pictures continues. Until next time.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

I was stuck on the word and meaning of 'Contentment'

For the past few weeks I've been on one of those wavelengths that leads you to come back to the same thought process again and again... It only takes effect when I have little or nothing to think or worry about. I've had some long drives and spirit-filled Sundays that have played into my study of the concept of contentment. Today I got the chance to study a more worldly perspective of the word via Wikipedia... interesting, but not quite as satisfying as my previous discoveries via scripture reading and thoughts of the spirit.
Wiki defined contentment as a self sustaining enjoyment. The source also implies that being content comes intuitively to every person. Along similar lines, but in a less surface-like way, Elder Maxwell said that being content means acceptance without self-pity. He also said that pondering often precedes contentment and that true contentment reflects our participative assent rather than uncaring resignation. I found it interesting that being content, it seems, never just comes to anyone... it's a destination reached by self-instigated efforts.
After some exploring in the bible dictionary and topical guide, I discovered yet another real meaning of contentment... also known as the peace or rest of the Lord. It is, after all, our reward if we are faithful-- peace in this world and eternal life in the world to come-- (D&C 59:23) The feeling of being content, I believe, is heaven-sent. God wants us to be satisfied at every point in the twists and turns of our earthly and eternal journey. This desire of our Heavenly Father is why songs such as 'Be Still, My Soul' touch our hearts with the comforting blanket of the spirit as we are assured that God is in charge always. If we let Him lead us and be our shepherd, we shall not want. There it is again... not wanting = contentment.
After much pondering and returning to this subject again and again, I found a verse of Isaiah's that put the capstone on things for me... Isaiah 58:11 reads, "And the Lord shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fat thy bones: and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not."
Far too many of us spend our lives in a constant flurry of decisions, worrying about what to do with our lives and how to effectively use our time. Not to say that these activities don't reflect worthy and righteous goals... because most of the time they do... but far too often, we don't take enough time to be settled, content, satisfied, happy, at peace. The grace of the Lord can aid us in our search for contentment, if only we'll let Him take the lead. He knows what will bring us peace and where we need to be to get to that point, trust Him.
1 Corinthians 14:33 "God is not the author of confusion, but of peace..."

Friday, July 29, 2011

... The trio of pictures is complete!!

Any of you folks out there that spend any time talking with me as of the past few months know that I have a fair amount of stories based upon good times with a certain trio of people... (and I'm pretty sure that was probably a run-on sentence, but oh well.) hehe. Besides the understandable exception of my sisters, these two girls can distract, giggle, crack inside jokes, and gallivant around with me better than anyone! Funniest part of the story-- we've only really been close friends for maybe 6 months.

Quick overview-- it was a song, in fact, that brought us together. We'd known of each other, and brushed shoulders at church in the ward-- I seemed to always be in contact with the choir pianist and the Relief Society president... weird eh? ;) hehe. Well, a certain someone had been asked to put together a musical number and she'd wanted to have her mother come up perhaps and sing a duet with her... that's where I stepped in... I, being the eager soul that I am, requested to sing the duet. Turns out, that was one of the best bold requests I've ever made. Thus began the adventures of the 3 Musketeers. Such a title stemmed from the fact that we were pretty much ALWAYS together... at least when we weren't studying. (Bah ha!! Studying around those two was a laugh and a half! Never got anything done.) Problem was, eventually we determined if only 2 of us were together, it wasn't completely distracting-- we could still have a grand 'ol time talking and giggling, but not uncontrollably. Add a specific third party though, and wowza... we pulled out all the stops on the uncontrollable laughter part of the deal. Once the inside jokes began to fly, we couldn't be stopped. Quote walls were formed, letters of invitation to our Musketeer-ish-ness were written, the behavioral definition of cuddling was officially commissioned, and late night conversations became the norm.

One day, two of us were together- studying, and getting a lot accomplished actually. Then, a phone began ringing... on the other line was the missing third of our party. She quickly asked if the two of us were together, little did she know she was already on speaker phone. :D A story ensued, of course, and we giggled together via cell phone. Oh, one other fact about the 3 of us... for some reason, we managed to always snap pictures when we're together. With the help of facebook, we immortalized this phone conversation and tagged the phone in the middle as the before-mentioned third party. As time went on, we added another similar picture with a different of us tagged as the phone, and now... the set is complete. Just thought I'd share. ;) These girls have been such a blessing in my life. I know now the power of the influence of good friends. There's not much more important than surrounding yourself with the right people. Love you two!

Friday, July 22, 2011

I've come to realize more and more that life is about people.

But literally... think about it- the only thing around us that has been around forever and will last forever is everyone around us. People and the relationships we form here on Earth are the most important thing we'll ever accomplish while we're here. You know that funny 'click' feeling you get with some friends or family and you just feel like you've known each other for forever and a day? I honestly believe that we re-form such close relationships from days before we remember-- we most certainly had relationships with people before this mortal life, and when we are lucky enough to reunite with those closest to us then, we become, as the phrase goes "like sisters (or brothers)"... ironic, isn't it, that we know we're all spirit sons and daughters of the
same Heavenly Father, and thus siblings?

Life is about people. The moments we share with each other, the selfless acts of service we exchange, the late night conversations, the deep 'mysteries of the universe' discussions, and the love and bond and connection we feel toward those we're close to.

Working where I do and for who I do, this fact has become even more apparent. When I get to host guests for a week at a time and experience some groups come together in more ways than we'd even hoped for... and then stay in touch with each other and us... it's pretty incredible. We had a 46 year old gentleman with us on the trip this last week-- his name was Tim and he has Down Syndrome. This man taught me so much this week- he taught me that there is another level of enthusiasm for life that most of us don't even come close to realizing- he taught me that willing hands and an obedient attitude can always allow you to be helpful- he taught me that being accepting of someone isn't a particular act, it comes with a general love for the person you're around. Life is about people. There are no other things that can replace the people you come in contact with.

Friday, June 17, 2011

... I thought to myself, 'Self-- THIS is what I do for a job...'

Seriously, I forgot how much I LOVE my job up here in the Tetons. The first week of having guests with us was an experience I'll probably never forget. The sheer nature of the trip we provide for people from all over the world is a life changing experience. Saying goodbye to those folks on Thursday was a heart-wrenching process. It's incredible to me how close a group of people can grow together in just 4 days. Even after miserable weather Monday (sheets and buckets constantly barraging our seemingly inconsequential campsite... it literally lasted for hours and hours) we pulled through with smiles on our faces and had quite the week.

The lake we camped next to on day 2 of our trip was absolutely breathtaking that night...
The guests were more than willing to help with chopping wood, packing up the trucks and wagons, and even cooking with us in the kitchen... we had a couple ladies super excited about learning their way around a dutch oven-- it fascinated them. :) Pretty cool to see a bunch of city slickers out in the forest having the time of their lives. We had a few teenage boys on the trip from Florida who, after the miserable Monday, eventually warmed up to the experience and even had a hard time saying goodbye.

Have I said that I work for the most incredible people? They absolutely LOVE what they do. I feel so taken care of as well-- I had the battery go out in my car this past week and every step of the way I had someone there by my side helping me know what I needed to do to get it taken care of. My boss even took time out of his insanely busy day to put in the new battery for me.

Let's see-- so the gist of my life up here in Jackson involves playing with horses (okay, not really playing... but it sure feels like it.), cooking in dutch ovens all day long, building fires galore (I promise, I am NOT a pyro...), sleeping under a brilliant sheet of stars with the magnificent Tetons towering in the distance, and interacting with people from all over the world as we share with them an experience they'll never forget. I'm a pretty lucky girl.
Oh, and also-- I'm getting to spend some quality time with my little sister this summer. I love her face SO much!! We went to the park close by today during lunch and just had a pleasant little chat, played with a Frisbee, sat on the swings for a bit, and discovered a prime cuddling spot on the playground... ;) hehehe. It's been so great having her here. I love my sister.