Monday, August 29, 2011

I shouted, "Hello Logan!!!"

I've officially been in Logan for 3 whole days now... and I'm LOVING being back. :) Don't get me wrong, I immensely enjoyed my summer job in Jackson and I do miss the people I got to mingle with up there, but it's SO GOOD to be back.
And my roommates!! Ahh, my roommates... they are three of God's most choice daughters, and they demonstrate that every day by the way they speak, act, treat others, and choose to spend their time. I love these girls with all my heart. I look forward to a wonderful year getting to know them better via quote walls, late nights, silly moments, and giggling galore! We've already had some pretty epic adventures together- note that we have also adopted my little sister as part of our "roommate-ness" ;) She's pretty great though. We'll take her.
Adventures so far... ice skating with the institute, stalking the guy in the Nike shirt, posing on playground structures, feng shui art in Camille's room, licking pudding bowls clean, Wackee Six (of course!), and cuddling... according to the behavioral definition.
Oh, and our new motto for life is "Every moment is a photo-opp..." Thus, our legacy of silly pictures continues. Until next time.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

I was stuck on the word and meaning of 'Contentment'

For the past few weeks I've been on one of those wavelengths that leads you to come back to the same thought process again and again... It only takes effect when I have little or nothing to think or worry about. I've had some long drives and spirit-filled Sundays that have played into my study of the concept of contentment. Today I got the chance to study a more worldly perspective of the word via Wikipedia... interesting, but not quite as satisfying as my previous discoveries via scripture reading and thoughts of the spirit.
Wiki defined contentment as a self sustaining enjoyment. The source also implies that being content comes intuitively to every person. Along similar lines, but in a less surface-like way, Elder Maxwell said that being content means acceptance without self-pity. He also said that pondering often precedes contentment and that true contentment reflects our participative assent rather than uncaring resignation. I found it interesting that being content, it seems, never just comes to anyone... it's a destination reached by self-instigated efforts.
After some exploring in the bible dictionary and topical guide, I discovered yet another real meaning of contentment... also known as the peace or rest of the Lord. It is, after all, our reward if we are faithful-- peace in this world and eternal life in the world to come-- (D&C 59:23) The feeling of being content, I believe, is heaven-sent. God wants us to be satisfied at every point in the twists and turns of our earthly and eternal journey. This desire of our Heavenly Father is why songs such as 'Be Still, My Soul' touch our hearts with the comforting blanket of the spirit as we are assured that God is in charge always. If we let Him lead us and be our shepherd, we shall not want. There it is again... not wanting = contentment.
After much pondering and returning to this subject again and again, I found a verse of Isaiah's that put the capstone on things for me... Isaiah 58:11 reads, "And the Lord shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fat thy bones: and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not."
Far too many of us spend our lives in a constant flurry of decisions, worrying about what to do with our lives and how to effectively use our time. Not to say that these activities don't reflect worthy and righteous goals... because most of the time they do... but far too often, we don't take enough time to be settled, content, satisfied, happy, at peace. The grace of the Lord can aid us in our search for contentment, if only we'll let Him take the lead. He knows what will bring us peace and where we need to be to get to that point, trust Him.
1 Corinthians 14:33 "God is not the author of confusion, but of peace..."